What is the Chiropractic Political Action Committee (C-PAC)?The Chiropractic Political Action Committee's (C-PAC), which was founded in December of 1982, purpose is to assist and promote those candidates for public office among whose goals number the preservation of freedom of choice and the protection of individual rights. An understanding of the entire scope of health care and an appreciation for the vital role chiropractic plays in this field is an absolute necessity. C-PAC supports and works to protect the chiropractic profession and its patients. As people face multiple health issues that are increasing health care costs and burdening the economy, C-PAC's purpose is to champion access to cost-effective nonsurgical and non-pharmacological solutions such as chiropractic services, by supporting and directing legislation that provides individuals with a choice in their health care. C-PAC is committed to advancing the role of chiropractic in prevention and population health initiative to combat health crises such as opioid addiction and concussions. This fundraising organization helps to provide access to and influence of Legislators to champion chiropractic legislative interests. By helping to elect the Senators and Representatives who are sympathetic to our cause, we ensure continued political and economic stability for our profession and for those who chose chiropractic as part of their healing process. While many people choose to make individual contributions, every chiropractor owes it to their profession to participate in C-PAC. The very existence of the PAC serves as notice to legislators that we represent a collective interest. A PAC contribution reflects the wishes of many. The important point is that C-PAC is of vital importance to the growth of chiropractic and things will not be alright without your participation. As we continue our efforts to promote and protect the practice of chiropractic, we invite you to join us and become a part of the unified voice for chiropractic in Louisiana. Join Today!